Season of cheer
‘Twas the season of cheer down by Spa Creek’s shore, Where the dragons set sail with strength at their core. Through waters so calm or with waves in full roar, […]
‘Twas the season of cheer down by Spa Creek’s shore, Where the dragons set sail with strength at their core. Through waters so calm or with waves in full roar, […]
Proclamation WHEREAS, it is with heavy hearts that we remember and honor the life of our cherished member, Susannah Plews; WHEREAS, Susannah exemplified courage, resilience, and unwavering [...]
When the boat first hits the water And the dragon’s eyes awake, We know you’re riding with us, With every stroke we take. When the boat glides down Spa Creek […]
Although some may be familiar with our pain, we don’t hold on to shadows here, not in this boat / Laughter, smiles, reflections and speckles of memories are all we […]
We began as strangers a sisterhood of the unwilling initiated by fire, poison, and knife pushed to the limits of our endurance and back barely to the bathroom and back. […]
Are you ready for this year’s dragon boat adventures? We are, and we’ve been working hard to make this our best year yet. After all, it is our year. 2024 […]
We went to the New Zealand Dragon Boat Festival in April 2023. Thousands of breast cancer survivors and their supporters competed and celebrated both the games and the journey to […]
Monday, June 5, 2023, was a HUGE day for the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club. Our new boat arrived! We couldn’t have hit this milestone in our history without our supporters. […]
One festival, two teams, four medals The Annapolis Dragon Boat Club brought two teams — a breast cancer survivor (BCS) team and a mixed team — to the 20th annual […]
We went to the New Zealand Dragon Boat Festival in April 2023. Thousands of breast cancer survivors and their supporters competed and celebrated both the games and the journey to […]
By Susan Okula It was a day of firsts for mother and daughter and Annapolis Dragon Boat Club teammates Barb Witten and Ashley Shaklee. It was their first race, ever, […]
100 Women Who Care Annapolis is a group of local women who support Annapolis-area non-profits by pooling donations to create a larger impact and giving circle. They meet twice yearly. […]
The Annapolis Dragon Boat Club has concluded on-water operations for the year. The year got off to a good start — with practices held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday […]
As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all our members and supporters who have devoted time, energy, and financial resources to fulfill […]
We participated in the Solomons Dragon Boat Festival for the first time in 2022. Two boats participated along with 17 other local and out-of-town teams. The festival was a FUNdraiser […]
The Annapolis Dragon Boat Club launches Brigitte Wallace McKee Bosom Buddies Grant Fund to provide need-based financial support to individuals receiving a breast cancer diagnosis to enable [...]
The City of Annapolis City Council held a special meeting on May 23, 2022. During the meeting, Mayor Buckley invited Alderwoman Pindell Charles to present a citation to the Annapolis […]
The COVID-19 pandemic was tough on everyone, including our dragon boats. Our operations crew did a wonderful job watching over the boats while they weren’t in use this past year. […]
After staying out of the boats for over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we returned to the water! We kicked off the 2021 season with two special paddles. […]
Welcome to the next year in the COVID complex. With the advent of a vaccine and widespread distribution on the horizon, we are hopeful that this year the pandemic can […]
We don’t only launch boats. In 2020, we also launched a book club. It’s been a great way to stay in touch with each other and broaden our horizons off […]
ADBC holds its first ever virtual membership meeting using Zoom and incorporates virtual practices. Plans for the IBCPC 2023 event – to be held in New Zealand – are well […]
We relocated to our new berth: Pier 4 Marina in Eastport, directly on Annapolis Harbor. It quickly became “home” and our membership almost doubled in one year to 115. Annapolis […]
ADBC traveled to Florence, Italy for our second IBCPC festival. Over 3,000 athletes competed, the largest gathering of athletes on the planet that year – all of them breast cancer […]
ADBC earned their place in the Guinness Book of World Records by paddling a half-marathon course (13.5 miles) in the Annapolis Harbor and Spa Creek. Time: 2:49:59.
This year we also debuted our custom paddles, designed by ADBC member Jen Sears.
The Red Boat was added to the ADBC fleet. It was built by Swift Boat in Taiwan, which also built the Pink Boat.
ADBC mapped out our first Strategic Plan for the next five years. This document officially framed the club’s values: Trust, Caring Community, Personal Growth, Freedom, Giving to Wellness and [...]
Renowned Annapolis artist Nancy Hammond created a custom work reserved for the exclusive use of the ADBC. The design was incorporated into our work with the SOS program and many […]
“The Olympics of Dragon Boating” are held every four years, staged by the International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission (IBCPC). In 2014, ADBC paddled in Sarasota, Florida, the first time the [...]
ADBC joined the Survivors Offering Support (SOS) program at Anne Arundel Medical Center. SOS offers companionship and support to those undergoing treatment for breast cancer at AAMC. From this [...]
The Pink Boat was christened on May 20 and moored at South Annapolis Yacht Center (the old Sarles yard). The team was already practicing and competing in borrowed boats. But […]
Mike Ashford – Annapolitan, entrepreneur and breast cancer survivor – founded the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club in the Spring of 2010. From a handful of supporters, the club would grow […]
By Susan Okula Clear your mind. Go fast. Find your passion. That’s what ADBC member Shirl Nevas would tell you about why she likes to get in a dragon boat. […]
Please excuse the late posting, but a LOT has been happening this season. Our on-water season got underway in April. The boats were brought out of storage, spruced up, and […]
By Susan Okula There’s nothing like the moments right before the start of a dragon boat race for Joni Adrian Krafft. “Sit ready!” bellows the helmsperson, who is often Coach […]
By Susan Okula Messing around in boats is second nature to Mike Sherwood. And he’s also a natural for steering for the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club. While the club has […]
Happy New Year, Everyone! The Club has wrapped up an exciting year on and off the water. We traveled far and wide for racing opportunities. We also did some outreach […]
By Susan Okula It was a most unwelcome journey, but one she had to take. Lynda Plaisted spent a year fighting breast cancer with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Even after […]
By Susan Okula If you need convincing that the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club is all about life, love, support and health, meet Chandra Jackson. “I just try to be kind,” […]
By Susan Okula Carolyn Granger is a swimmer and a walker. For most of her life, she never even imagined she would be part of a team. But then she […]
By Susan Okula Maggie Benshaw was 28 when she moved to Annapolis in 2017. An Annapolis High School English and creative writing teacher, Maggie was looking for something active to […]
Annapolis, MD – (June 14, 2018) Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley and members of the City Council will recognize the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club during the Council Session on June 18th, […]
Annapolis, MD – (May 29, 2018) Members of the Anne Arundel County Council will recognize the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club prior to the County Council meeting on Monday, June 4, […]
The week of April 15th through April 21st saw ten members of the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club travel to Indialantic, Florida, to participate in a dragon boat camp. This was […]
The Annapolis Dragon Boat Club is run by
the Annapolis Dragon Boat Foundation,
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Email us:
Paddling location:
Pier 4 Marina
301 Fourth Street
Annapolis, MD 21403
Mailing address:
PO Box 6596
Annapolis, MD 21401