In Coaches' corner

Welcome to the next year in the COVID complex. With the advent of a vaccine and widespread distribution on the horizon, we are hopeful that this year the pandemic can start being in the rearview mirror. Many of us have been cooped up in your house or neighborhood doing what we need to do to stay fit and sound. As the winter digs in for the next month or two, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Be positive:

  • With the winter, you will maintain your strength and drive for the sport of dragon boating.
  • If you are working with a trainer, going to the gym, or working out on your own at home, you will be strong and ready to go.
  • Despite not practicing on the water, paddling is difficult and challenging — like running a card loom. However, with practice, you will develop the skill anew.
  • You will be in shape and ready for that first day on the water, whether in June or August.
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