In Coaches' corner

Happy New Year, Everyone!

The Club has wrapped up an exciting year on and off the water. We traveled far and wide for racing opportunities. We also did some outreach in the local community to help raise the Club’s profile on the ground and over the airwaves.

The Club also is facing the coming year with the prospect of developing the team to be more competitive racing and healthier and stronger as a result of that development. How can the Club do this? There are opportunities during the off-water portion of the year to remain strong and in sync.

The Club offers strength training twice weekly at the Pip Moyer Recreation Center in Annapolis. Two pool paddling opportunities are available every week on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings at an indoor pool. These meet-ups are listed on Team Snap.

The pool practice provides the time and instruction to maintain and work on the technique that is critical to developing power and strength for every person in the Club. The strength training at the recreation center contributes to the overall health of the Team and the physical well-being of individuals.

This is what makes the Club: the opportunity for friendship and a healthier lifestyle whether in recovery or making the individual stronger. The winter is here, yet the season is just around the corner. Keep healthy and strong, everyone.

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