Season of cheer

‘Twas the season of cheer down by Spa Creek’s shore, Where the dragons set sail with strength at their core. Through waters so calm or with waves in full roar, […]

In loving memory of Susannah Plews

Proclamation WHEREAS, it is with heavy hearts that we remember and honor the life of our cherished member, Susannah Plews; WHEREAS, Susannah exemplified courage, resilience, and unwavering [...]

To the beat of the drum

When the boat first hits the water And the dragon’s eyes awake, We know you’re riding with us, With every stroke we take. When the boat glides down Spa Creek […]

Here, in this Boat

Although some may be familiar with our pain, we don’t hold on to shadows here, not in this boat / Laughter, smiles, reflections and speckles of memories are all we […]

To our becoming

We began as strangers a sisterhood of the unwilling initiated by fire, poison, and knife pushed to the limits of our endurance and back barely to the bathroom and back. […]

Hello blue, goodbye red

Monday, June 5, 2023, was a HUGE day for the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club. Our new boat arrived! We couldn’t have hit this milestone in our history without our supporters. […]

Thank you and happy holidays

As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all our members and supporters who have devoted time, energy, and financial resources to fulfill […]

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